We Store & Manage Your Crypto in Fully Insured Privacy.
Security & Privacy
We provide fully insured cold storage of your crypto & asset protection through our Wyoming LLC, where you get 100% anonymity.
Multi Currency Accounts
Invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum and hundreds of cryptocurrencies and ERC20 tokens. Consult with us to find out which currencies are hot.
Blockchain Smart Contracts
The first thing to know about blockchain smart contracts is they're not contracts, smart, nor necessarily on a blockchain.
Easy Transfers
We will transfer your crypto fast and easy to any wallet or exchange to you wish to use at any time. You control your crypto.
Legal Ownership
We store your crypto, but you maintain 100% legal ownership of your portfolio. We hold your keys, but you control your security phrases.
Recurring Investments
Invest in crypto slowly over time by scheduling monthly buys with our monthly plan. This allows you to safely build your crypto portfolio over time.
“You made buying bitcoin and crypto so simple and safe. Building my portfolio and acquiring wealth with experienced people who truly care and understand the industry unlike many other companies. ”

Mark Broadway
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Our Pricing
We have three plans with access to three funds giving you a 10X, 20X or 30X return based on your risk tolerance and desired gain.
This lower risk plan gives you access to our 10X Fund, which comprises of Bitcoin and large cap blue chip cryptocurrencies to produce solid gains.
This medium risk plan gives you access to our 20X Fund, which comprises of large cap cryptocurrencies to produce large gains.
This higher risk plan gives you access to our 30X Fund, which comprises of small cap cryptocurrencies to produce maximum gains.
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Crypto Day Trading vs. HODLing: Pros and cons
We all know that tables can turn at any second in the crypto network as it is a very dynamic world therefore…
Cryptocurrency Staking: Earning Passive Income
Ever heard of a savings account where you can fix a certain amount of money and get a percentage of profit on…
What Are Altcoins? Exploring Alternative Cryptocurrencies
There is a broad and exciting world of alternative cryptocurrencies, generally referred to as "altcoins." These digital tokens have multiplied, each with…